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Unresolved management of an association and commercial taxes

In some cases, an association may be subject to commercial taxes because of the existence of a close community of interest between it and a commercial company. Following an accounting audit, an association was subjected to commercial taxes (corporate income tax and VAT) by the tax authorities who considered that, due to the absence of [...]

Taxes: pre-taxation at source, the main modalities

Paris Match. What is the reform of the pre-reform to the source? Currently, the tax is collected each year following the perception of income, starting from the declaration that you make at the beginning of each year. The reform undertaken by the government aims to bring together as closely as possible the income earned and [...]

Location of the Experts-Comptables: what are we talking about?

In December 2014, interviewed by the Financial Times, Maurice LEVY, PDG of Publicis invented a new technology: UBERISATION. " Tout le monde a peur de se faire ubériser et de subir le même sort que les chauffeurs de taxi, subitement concurrencés par les véhicules de tourisme avec chauffeur d'Uber... " dixit Maurice LEVY. If this [...]